Saturday, January 3, 2004

When a Control Freak Doesn't Have Control

If you read my husband's journal (and you should), you probably know they've cut his hours at work.  He works for a retail establishment, and they've taken his schedule down to like ten hours a week.  Only, he's working a lot more than ten hours because he's the one they turn to when other people call in sick, don't show up, want time off, etc.  Like Christmas Eve.  Like New Year's Eve.  And like today.  He only went in for a 12-5 shift and because three people called in, he's going to have to work till closing.  (he got home at 2am last night)

So no walk today.  No packing and moving some stuff today like I had planned.  I feel like my wheels are stuck in the mud.  We are financially strapped because of this move, not to mention he's a family man a lot older than some of the other people that work there.  And the 19 year old manager knows this.  He knows that Steven's back is against the wall and he can't really turn down hours.  So he gets the crummy shifts no one else wants (like Friday and Saturday night, or holidays), and yet they don't reward his loyalty with more scheduled hours.  No, they like holding him by the... throat.

We needed to go shopping.  We needed to get some boxes and start packing.  We needed to actually start clearing out some stuff we can move right away.  And instead, I get to sit here and fume because I can't get to it for another two days. (I work a mega shift tomorrow)  And I need to keep my exercise schedule regular, and I can't do that if he's working nights or called in unexpectantly.  I'm so frustrated I could scream.

{takes deep breath}  The good news is the house we're moving to is about 10 blocks from the park, so if he's at work I can always walk there and walk back.  Which will probably help me meet my Walk Off Weight plan challenges once I get the pedometer.  He's also got several applications out for another job that pays better and has more stable hours.  One of which is $9 an hour plus benefits.  Which would be way cool.  So send your positive vibes/prayers on that if you feel so inclined.

I've probably run out of run to complain more, which is a good thing.  I just needed to get it out before I did something stupid - like gorge myself.  Now if I can hold off taking a nap, I'll be just fine.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now if I can hold off taking a nap, I'll be just fine.

That's my big problem: naps. I love my naps, and I want to see if instead of taking one in the late afternoon, I can substitute a walk in its place.

Good vibes going your way.
