Monday, January 19, 2004

Supremely tired now but...

Winston and I walked from my house to the park, around the park and back, bringing up my total steps today to 12,241 so I'm pretty happy about that.  I think I'm going to further research what Jeannie said in her comment to my previous entry by checking out if it is indeed the processed food and excess sodium that is sabotaging my scale readings.  I'll start next shopping trip and then compare the two and let you know what I found out.  Now that I work from home I can prepare meals rather than depend on microwaveable dinners, although I do like the convenience of them.

Tomorrow is the 20th, which means another weigh in and another picture update.  Hopefully that's all it will take to boost my enthusiasm.  <crossing fingers>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the weigh in...cant wait to see the picture! I know what its like to be frustrated with weight loss...I'm starting to gain took over a year to take it off, and I swear, I think I can but it all back on in a month!! grrrr