Sunday, January 25, 2004

Taking Time for Me

Sundays are crazy days for me, and today was crazier than usual.  My sister, for whom I work, has finally moved the office over to the new house.  The only problem is the cable modem isn't up and running yet, so I had to do a lot more work on my end. 

It's no big deal.  I need the hours, and I can always use the money.  It just meant I didn't have a whole lot of me time today. 

I almost very nearly talked myself out of my walk today just using my tight schedule as an excuse.  But all I could think about is that next weigh in, and how much I wanted it to be even more lbs gone.  When I looked at my trusty pedometer and it said a measly 300 steps, I knew my blowing off the walk wasn't going to help me achieve that. 

So I went on my walk.  I hated the entire walk to the park.  My feet hurt, I was stressing out about what needed to be done when I got home, etc.  Finally I had a conversation with myself to convince myself that this is what I needed to do to get through the night.  By going out, "pampering" myself with some alone time, getting fresh air and doing something positive toward my goal, I was better able to cope with what I had to face when I got hom.

I wish I could say I'm to the point that I love to exercise and you can't keep me still, but that's not happening yet.  I'm still really lethargic and I have to physically force myself to do these things. 

But I do like the way getting out and doing things makes me feel.  And I really like seeing the changes taking place because of it.  Since there is only one way to get those feelings, I guess I'm gonna hafta learn to like it.

Steps: 11,439

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Gin!
It is hard to stay motivated but you are really close to being under 300! God is good to keep us moving! I try to stay focused on the fact that this is the only body I am going to get so I better take care of it. :) You hang in there kiddo, you are doing so well!