Wednesday, January 28, 2004

A Heartfelt Thanks...

to the college guys at Walmart who laughed hysterically at my expense today.  Apparently my appearance in their part of the universe brought them much laughter and brightened their day a bit.  Which is of course my reason for existance.

These types of experiences aren't uncommon - they're also very thankfully not frequent - but I notice that I find it particularly offensive when I'm in the midst of a weight loss regimen.  It really pisses me off, because I work entirely too hard to have to deal with infantile behavior from guys old enough to know better.  But alas, not everyone realizes grade school behavior can't go on forever.

On Oprah yesterday they were dealing with bullies, and they had a pretty, popular girl put on a fat suit and makeup to make her look 75lbs heavier.  Her mission was to complete two days at a new high school in this disguise.  She made it one day and decided she couldn't face the treatment she got, so she never went back.

She was able to come home, take off her fat suit, and resume her life as one of the visible people. 

If only it were so simple for all of us. 

And yes I know I shouldn't give my emotions over to strangers enough so that it angers me.  It was a total gut reaction.  I finally turned and glared at one of them, catching him in his nearly doubled over hysterics.  They left after that.  They must have recognized the Glare of Doom and decided to take appropriate shelter.

The way I look at life is you get back what you put out, and I am not like this.  I don't laugh at other people's expense, and I sure as hell don't like it done to me.  One of these days I'm going to snap and tell someone off, and it won't be pretty.  You can ask Steven, me angry never is. 

I live life for me, not for the acceptance of shallow people incapable of seeing human worth past the surface appearance.  And if they don't like it, they can kiss my big fat white butt.


Steps: 11,065

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