Sunday, January 11, 2004

Two Months into the Journey

Well the time has come, to re-evaluate this past month, assess my accomplishments and face up to the disappointments, realizing what goals I met or what goals I have yet to meet.

December 11 I weighed 313.  January 11 I weigh 313.  I'm fluxuating between 311 and 313, so what I weigh tomorrow is anyone's guess.  What is definite are the inches gone, and I've lost 4 inches since last month.  So I know things are happening in my body even if my demonic scale chooses not to acknowledge them. 

Of course there was the huge breakthrough the other night at the Cotton Patch, where I'm officially divorcing myself from the idea that luxury or treating myself involves destructive eating habits.  I could actually feel pampered by eating right - knowing I won't feel guilty at the end of it.

As for the writing, you all may beat me with a wet noodle - aside from this journal or my weight loss website I haven't written much more than my rent check.  I do have an idea to work on my script Dirty Little Secrets, to prepare it for the contest circuit coming due in late spring.  I want to complete a rewrite and get it in to a script consultant by no later than March.  I'll keep you updated, no pressure on this as the whole weight loss thing has very much become my full time occupation.

Up above are the pictures Steven suggested I show to the world.  They demonstrate the changes that have taken place during the Journey so far. 

I'm not proud of my exercise today because I worked a 9 1/2 hour shift, but I did get both bikes in and the Pilates. 

On to February 11, right before my LA trip.  I want to break the 300lb mark, and I also want to be walking 3 miles at least four times a week.  (that's from my new house to the park and back).  Will I fit in a 26 then? 

Only time will tell!


Anonymous said...

If you look back at your December picture, you look heavier. I can't believe you didn't lose any weight between December and now. Maybe it was the angle of the picture. The difference between the blurry picture and now is very big.


Anonymous said...

Girl, you are building MUSCLES! My fat % has gone down over the past 2 months and my weight only by a few pounds .... I want to be frustrated yet, I feel the difference from when I started. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you and you are such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I definitly see adifference! You are doing great..and you are so pretty! I admire you for never giving can do this!!!

Anonymous said...

OH, I'm so proud of you! You know, the difference is there. You are such an inspiration to be doing something and sticking to it! You're getting there! ^_^