Monday, December 8, 2003

A small victory

Today I battled my biggest weakness - takeout food.

There are days when I'm really exhausted and the last thing I want to do is cook.  So I've always relied on good old fast food to feed the family.  It's much easier to call and order pizza or stop off at a drive through than it is to face preparing a nutritious dinner fully cognizant of fat grams and caloric content.

And it didn't help today I was ravenously hungry.  I managed to skate in just a bit over 1500 and a few fat grams over 30, but at the time I was deliberating eating out, I had only taken in 800 calories with 19.5 fat grams.

I guarantee if I had given in to the fast food impulse, it would have soared far above 1500/30.  It was thanks to hubby getting the flu that helped decide not to.  I couldn't send the poor feverish man out for Chinese food he had to walk into a supermarket to get.  And nothing quicker sounded good enough to spend the $$ on or waste the fat grams on. 

It was a hard battle though.  And I'm still fighting the urge to go ahead and eat out before our designated "cheat" day on hubby's birthday.  We plan to go to a really popular steakhouse nearby, and none of us want to worry about counting calories that day.  But now it's not just that I'm too tired to cook.  Now I'm feeling deprived, and that's always been my pitfall. 

I keep coming back to that photo on my bankcard and how much heavier I look.  I can safely say I've lost between 20-30lbs since September.  So maybe if I just concentrate on that the urge to cheat will pass and I won't undo all the good I've done.

Good news is I did make it for the walk today, but it was more forced than usual.  I think it's because the flu is still holding on, and I'm just really run down.  I just have to pay very close attention to what I'm doing. 

I may be starting that food diary on my website very soon, just to keep myself honest. 


Anonymous said...

mmm..take-out, this is also my weakness, I prefer McDonalds! You got through it, so good for you! I keep my "fat" picture on my fridge, to keep me can see it in my journal, its not to good, cause its a picture of a picture..but you get the point! Keep strong!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't give in today to the Chinese Food call like I wanted to.

We did eat out though. Subway.

So I don't feel so bad LOL