Tuesday, December 30, 2003

A Time to Refocus

When I can I browse through other journals here on AOL, and both Monica (the Queen Goddess of Weight Loss and #1 Journal Pick for this week), and Kim (Kim's Weight Loss Journey) answered some really important questions that after a not so successful day, I feel the need to readdress.  It's time to refocus back on what's important. 

What do you want?

I want to look, feel and "be" normal.  I don't want people to stare at me like I belong on another planet - or that I AM another planet.  I want to be able to do and see all the things I want to do and see in this world.  I'm tired of the weight miring me down.  I want to be healthy, so that I don't panic with every little nagging pain.  I want to live a long healthy life, and by "live" I do mean LIVE.  No more coasting or watching from the sidelines.

What are you willing to do to achieve it?

I'm willing to alter the course of my life.  I'm willing to say goodbye to emotional eating and comfort foods.  I'm willing to put in the exercise and really make the effort not only to lose weight but to make myself as strong on the outside as I know I am on the inside.  I'm willing to deal with emotional scars I've kept hidden by layers of fat.  Even if that means I'm not always perfect, even if that means I'm not always pleasant, even if that means I have to hurt now to feel better later.

What does this goal mean to you?

It means life.  It means control.  It means integrity.  It means being a grownup, and doing what I know I need to do for a change, instead of just getting by.  It means teaching my children by example, how to be strong, healthy, happy adults free from all bondage. 

It means freedom.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It means freedom ... couldn't have said it better! Thank you.