Sunday, December 28, 2003

Small Changes = Big Differences

I just wanted to point out how proud I am of my hubby Steven.  He put on a pair of 40 jeans yesterday and they fit perfect.  He was wearing 42s.  And most of that change came from adding exercise to his routine.  Just a mile walk 5 or so times a week and he's already seeing the difference.

There are a lot of people who feel like the task of losing weight is so daunting they're too intimidated to even try.  I suggest making small changes one at a time.  If your weakness is sugared sodas, switch over to the diet kind.   Those sugared sodas are generally about 150 calories for one can.  That's a lot of empty calories, and if you don't spend that energy, it builds up into stored fat.

So make a positive change, just one.  It may seem small, but in the end it could make a big difference in your weight.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Just adding a little exercise to your routine works wonders and makes you feel so much better.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think you are so incredible. I think it's great when you want to do something and set up a goal and work hard at it. You're definetly my role model. You have written four novels? I'm working on my first draft. LoL Keep doing what you do! I'll be coming back!

Anonymous said...

Thats some great advice!! And how great for Steven!!! Karie