Thursday, February 19, 2004

I'm Depressing Myself SOOOOO...

It's time to shift the focus back to the Journey at hand.  Like Dr. Phil said I gained it alone, I'll lose it alone.  Yes all that other crap affects the Journey but inevitably it won't derail it as long as I stay focused.

And I do feel a certain responsibility since this journal is currently being featured on AOL Takes it Off, people are going to come here to find out about what I'm doing to change for the better, not wallow in my own self pity. 

SO.  Today's workout song, "Don't Fight It" by Kenny Loggins and Steve Perry.  A great song to sing to yourself as you force yourself to work out. 

My body is seriously revolting against the war I'm waging on the weight.  I used this term because of my pal Dave Clary.  He's a fellow screenwriter who has started on his own journey to lose 100lbs, and now he's decided this time it's war.  I got a kick out of his entry in The Big Fat Loser's Diet where he says "Today I know my enemy.  And his name is Krispy." 

Anyway, my knees and now my ankle have both gone AWOL on me.  But my counter attack for the knees is I'm taking the bike back down to level one, but I'm riding the hell out of it.  I went from 30-33 mph to 33-35 mph. 

I didn't walk today because it was nice and warm but the wind was blowing dust.  Our sky was literally brown.  We did go to the mall though.  I weighed in and I'm at 300lbs and 1oz.  So it's good to know skirmish with the alcohol the other night did not shake me off course. 

My goal is to be 298 by Saturday.  I'm going to ride tonight and tomorrow, along with a walk to the park and back and pilates and no more alcohol or bad stuff from now till weigh in.

In the words of Chumbawumba, I get knocked down, but I get up again.  You're never gonna keep me down.  This is war, and I'm taking no prisoners.  Screw those mannequins at the mall.  I'll be there come hell or high water.  Just wait and see.



Anonymous said...

Keep it up. Keep at it.

And remember -- you're not really alone. Look at that counter... 40,000 hits since November? Girl, we're all here. We're all behind you. We're all praying for you, and your struggles, and for dumbass (thy name is Stephen) too.

Don't give up. We're right here, and we believe in you.

Anonymous said...

I know you are going to do this....I can't wait for the day you reach that goal (you will) are strong, you are beautiful, you are rock!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your determination will win out in the end. There is always going to be 'life stuff' that makes us feel crappy...keep the weight loss in a seperate place just for you and don't let anything touch it. You've done so well this far and have a lot to be proud of. ~Lilinance

Anonymous said...

Gin, You are definitly thought of each day by myself & so many others. You're going to do this! You have the strength & determination. The bad times will come & go. Losing weight has really helped me to come out of my bad times shining. 'Course I still have a ways to go! ;)

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing. You are touching so many lives!
