Monday, March 15, 2004

A Walk in the Park

Winston nearly jumped out of his pugskin that we finally made it to the park.  It was such a nice day for it too.  It was about 70 degrees, with a thunderstorm to the south so we could see those big billowing purple clouds in the distance.  There was a nice breeze and everyone who was out was in a good mood - myself included. 

I reflected on the journey thus far.  The buds on the trees are preparing to open and the skeleton trees I've been walking under for the past few months will finally explode to life.  Just as they're changing, so am I.  In November when I began walking at this park I weighed 330lbs.  Since then I've lost 35lbs.  When I began walking at the park I kept to the 1 mile track.  Now I walk nearly a mile there, effortlessly clear the 1.5 mile track and walk nearly a mile home.  Of course, in November I was going every day, but with the warmer weather I can get back in that routine again. 

Way back when I was much heavier I remember barely being able to walk a quarter of a mile, the thought of what I do now would have scared me to death.  I feel really proud of what I've been able to accomplish.  Who knows what things will be like in another three months?  I even thought about how my kids really want bikes, imagine the four of us on bikes together this summer. 

The possibilities are endless.

Calories: 1999 / 27% fat

Sodium: 3072mg

Water: 96oz

Exercise: Walked 3 miles


Anonymous said...

Hi Ginger, you have a wonderful attitude and I truly believe that you are going to make it. We have had good weather here also. Tulips are coming up and buds on the trees. Three more months is going to show a big difference in your appearence. Good for you..Blessings rae

Anonymous said...

You continue to be an inspiration to me. You are doing so well and your attitude!!!! Well...that is why I KNOW you will do it!!!! I know you don't know me...but I LOVE YA, GIRL!!!! Thanks for all you do..... Gretchen

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, Your jounal has been such a help for me on my weight lose jouney. It nice to know I'm not alone. I have lost 12 pounds since January and have 100 left to lose, I know it's going to be a long road. thanks for your jounal I have learned a lot of good info. Have a great day. Ronda

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

God Bless Winston for encouraging you! What a lovely day you had. When we don't get out doesn't it seem as if we didn't "capture" the fragile beauty of the day somehow? The elusive beauty of that day will never be seen again--but there will be others to take its place (God-willing). Joan Rivers (one of the funniest women I can think of) says we should make it a point to get out every single day. I have her tape here somewhere; need to find it & obey! :-)