Daniel is flying high tonight. Our guardian angel did the impossible and it was just the most ideal way to spend his birthday.
My mother and my sister have not spoken for a year and a half. There's a lot of bad blood between them for reasons I won't go into here (they're not my issues to share). Anyway something happened a while back that really severed what ties still bound them together.
Today my sister reached out for my mom and we were able to sit together as a family and have a rational discussion about our feelings, our hurts and our fears. It was a beautiful evening, one I'd been praying for for a really long time. And that it came on Daniel's birthday was the topper.
Those we love who have gone on still hang around working things out from the sidelines, I believe that. And Daniel really was an angel on earthbound feet there the last several years of his life. As well as when I first met him. The song "Angel" by Aerosmith was my song for him those first few years when I was head over heels in love with him and he "looked at me like a sister".
I also weighed in again. Fridays are my sister's weigh in days (she's using fitday.com as her diet tool too). I'm down to 292lbs and 3oz. So that's 2lbs and 8oz for the week. 2 1/2 lbs.... not too shabby. I really believe it was the water that helped me.
My sister and I went to a mexican restaurant today. Their sangria swirl was my undoing. The numbers below show the damage. But at least I know now what to do to avoid this in the future. And knowing, as GI Joe says, is half the battle.
Calories: 2737 / 20% fat
Sodium: 4519mg (EEEEEEEK)
Water: 74oz
Exercise: None. Winston is currently on Pee Revenge Duty.
You are absolutely doing GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I for one am overjoyed for you! (I am curious, about how much does your sister have to go? Is she online journaling too?--if you can say.) & LOL--Poor poopsie Winston! I'm on his side. Put yourself in his pads, have mercy mamma! Those soulful eyes, "Won't you even go around the block with me?" If he is pulling too much teach him not to. It so improves the quality of the walk for both of you.
YAY GINGER!!! I"m so happy for you! Hope you enjoyed your time out with your sister. Everyone needs to get out once in a while and splurge-just a little bit! I don't go out often, but when I do I enjoy a cocktail, split an appetizer with my husband. And cut my meal and dessert in half and bring the rest home for my kids, or lunch the next day. I also try to eat as liitle as possible during the day if I know I'm going out at night, and be extra careful the next day. NO GUILT! DB
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