Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Tired of Biting My Fingernails

Well my nerves are wracked to the point of getting violently ill.  But other than that, I'm okay.  I'm disappointed at the way things are looking, very disappointed.  But this is part of living in a Democracy.  You do what you can and leave the rest up to the collective conscience of your country. 


On a more positive note today was my first day at the gym.  It was crowded.  I was nervous.  I got over it. 

Actually I liked working out at the gym.  It was very motivating to be around other people who were working out.  I rode their bike there and it was a lot easier for me to be motivated.  Everyone around me was huffin and puffin, so it made it a little easier for me to stifle the voice inside me that always tries to get me to quit way before I know I should.


We also did some weight training on the legs today.  Everything was okay except for the sitting calf lifts.  That one did me in.  But all in all it was a very positive experience and I like Abel even more today.  I grilled him for what I needed to do and he was very helpful.  I think it's going to be easier to go back and much more frequently than I originally planned.  Might as well - it's paid for.

Tomorrow we're going to go back, get the starting stats done and work on arms, chest and back.  I'm actually looking forward to it. 

Whoda thunk it?


I never got around to working out yesterday from home.  I had a ton of excuses but basically I just blew it off because I knew I would have plenty of time to get my five days in.  Abel pretty much blew that excuse out of the water.  He suggests working out every day for maximum results.  I may have to work up to it, but like I said before, I'm putting myself totally into his hands.  This is big for the control freak that I am, but I'm tired of the plateau.  I want results.


And Abel again pointed out it's not about numbers on a scale.  He said to let the way my clothesfit or the way my shape changed be the true indicator of success.  They have a scale there and I'll weigh in tomorrow for a starting weight, but that's going to be about it.  I am going to divorce myself from the numbers on the scale.  That's just not what this is about.

Will I cave?  Honestly I might.  But I'm going to do my best to be strong.  I certainly wasn't getting anywhere doing things my way.


Tip of the Day: DELAYED REACTION.  Say you're watching late night TV and suddenly you get the urge to snack.  You're not sure if you're really hungry or eating out of habit or just plain bored.  How will you know for sure?  Wait for ten minutes before you eat.  If you're bored, just redirecting your attention could shift your focus from the fridge.  If you drink some water and your stomach still growls, after about ten minutes you'll know you're eating out of need rather than out of habit.  Enjoy your snack and know that you're in control of your food - not the other way around.


Stats: 1936
Fat: 32%
Sat. Fat: 9%
Fiber: 29g
Calcium: 1579mg
Sodium: 3460mg (still battling this one)
Water: 72oz
Exercise: 20 mins stationary bike, 30 minutes weight training (legs)

DAILY AFFIRMATION: "The obstacles in your path can serve your success as much or more than the path itself. Ask anyone who's ever almost fallen asleep on a long straight highway. Sometimes It's the curvy, bumpy road that keeps you alive." - Hal Sparks



Anonymous said...

Good for you...keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

Your commitment to weight loss is great! I'm actually on a "life changing" experience as you are. I have lost about 30 Ibs in about 4 months and it keeps getting better by the day. I understand the gym thing.. I recently went to our community center and used the elliptical machine (lots of fun!) Keep up the great work! I'm with ya!