Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Where For Art Thou, Motivation?

I almost didn't ride the exercise bike today.  It started like it always does, I think that I need to do something and then little by little I talk myself out of it.

"Gee.  I need to ride the bike.  If I do it early, I can get it out of the way."

"Yeah, but it's noon.  How early is that?  Plus you just ate.  Put it off.  You have all day."

three hours later...

"Gee.  I really need to ride the bike.  I can afford a half hour before I get work done."

"Yeah but look at you.  You're fighting off the flu.  No one will beat you up if you don't ride the bike one day."

thirty minutes later, during Song One.

"I can do this.  I've done it before, I'll do it again.  Just get it done and over with."

"Yeah but think about your aching muscles.  Feel that pain in your legs?  It's not going to get any better."

ten minutes later...

"A third of the way done.  This isn't so bad..."

"Come on.  Who are you fooling?  This hurts.  And what about that stitch in your side?  Blow it off after fifteen minutes.  You can always do fifteen more minutes at the end of the day."

ten minutes later...

"Hey... I just realized... I can hold onto these side bars with my hands on the under sides.  When I first started I could barely reach the side bars at all.  This feels cool.  This is what I'm doing this for."

"Yeah... you know you're right.  That is kinda cool.  Forget what I said, kiddo.  You're doing great."


I keep waiting for motivation to come.  If I lose weight I'll get motivated.  If I lose inches I'll get motivated.  Meanwhile I sit around making excuses and put off both, which keeps me in this endless and frustrating cycle. 

So we're going to try something new.  We're going to "fake it till we make it."  Then, in a few weeks when I see the weight loss and lose those inches, the motivation will be real.  Until then, I'm going to have to pluck it out of the blue sky. 


An update on Jeremiah's situation.  Like I said the school system refuses to take any responsibility, however the principal of his school has now taken weights off of the PE curriculum.  I consider this a good thing.  And that they're going to let Jeremiah sit on the sidelines until I decide to let him participate again without it affecting his grade - even better.


Songs to PUMP you UP

It was a Classic Rock n Roll day today.  I needed all the help those driving beats could give me.

ROCK ME TONIGHT - Billy Squier
YOU MAKE LOVIN FUN - Fleetwood Mac
DON'T FIGHT IT - Kenny Loggins & Steve Perry
MY SHARONA - The Knack


Tip of the Day - DEVELOP A YEARN TO BURN.  You know it.  I know it.  There's no getting around it.  If we want substantial and life long exercise we have to attack both sides of the weight loss equation with equal fervor.  They say the best kinds of exercise is to do something you enjoy doing for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.  Walking is best, but weight training actually develops muscle which in turn burns more fat.  Develop a balancing act between cardiovascular and weight training for the best results.



Calories: 1952
Fat: 23%
Sat. Fat: 6%
Fiber: 35g
Calcium: 1247mg
Water: 72oz
Exercise: 30 mins stationary bike

DAILY AFFIRMATION: I need to believe in myself the way I believe in others.  The real motivation comes from the internal coach.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sweet comment in my journal!  Sweet Home Alabama is the song I used to use when i was on the gymnastics team!  If I was trying to learn a new skill and having trouble I just pumped htat over the PA!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What happened with trying Curves?

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your progress so far. Just a comment from me: In the stats area, you mention your September starting weight. Now that we're past Sept. 2004, you might want to edit that so people realize you started in 2003. Regards,

Anonymous said...

I check in with you periodically, but I hate, hate, hate your new black background.  It's hard to read.  Other than that, great site.  www.melodee128.blogspot.com