Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Small Update

I'll write more tomorrow.  We just got home from the ER because Jeremiah's nose began to bleed profusely at about 9:30pm.  Everything is fine, they took more X rays and another CAT scan - so he's got a clean bill of health but I feel like my stomach is tied in a knot.

I'm going to go collapse into bed, I'll update the journal tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there...will keep Jeremiah...(and you!) in my prayers!
Nancy :-)

Anonymous said...

Tell Jeremiah we are praying for him.  Being a parent of teenage boys is scary!  It kept me on my knees in prayer for years!

Anonymous said...

When I had my concussion it was like a headache that went on, and on, and on, and on, etc. with other symptoms affecting my memory; ten years later it completed healing.   He probably is bruised and swelling but okay up there.  I do not know what they are doing about medicine?  I took very low dosage aspirin (St. Joseph's) for weeks.