Friday, October 29, 2004

How About an ATTA GIRL?

Today started off in the crapper.  My internet wasn't running properly and I was getting way behind in my already behind schedule for work.  The stress made sleep impossible and when I woke up to more computer problems I was livid to find that nothing was helping.  Nothing.

I didn't want to exercise.  When Oprah came on with her "favorite foods" show I was fully prepared to drown my sorrows in chocolate truffles.


Instead I had a nonfat light yogurt. 

I fought off a low grade fever, still put off the exercise and just basically was a grump all day.  Then I got into a political discussion this morning with my 12 year old son, emphasizing to him the importance of this election - and any election - to his future.  I got him as hopping mad about some of the issues as I am and I was delighted to learn he was the same political affiliation that I am without any real training to get him to be so.  I have a future voter on my hands in both my sons - I'm psyched about that.

I got Steven to vote last election and my mother to vote this election.  Little by little we're changing the world.


Anyway we finally figured out the problem with the internet so I was able to take the kiddoes to the mall where they could dress up in their Halloween costumes and meet up with their friends.  Meanwhile Steven and I walked for about an hour and a half. 

So even though I didn't intend to exercise, I got in plenty.  This is what happens when I actually get off my duff and do more than "intend" to exercise.

As Yoda says, "There is no try.  There is do or do not."

Oh, and I voted while I was out at the early voting place at the mall.  On to November 2!!


No the atta girl comes from when we went out to eat on the way home.  The boys really like Golden Corral for the steak buffets and I conceded even though I knew buffet could mean big trouble.

But you know what?  It didn't.  I totally didn't overeat.  I managed to make all the right choices when presented to me and got all my nutritional guidelines no problems.  The onlyreason I went over was nibbling some of Steven's pretzel at the mall, and swigging some of his lemonade.  But even still, I only went over by about 100 calories. 

Meanwhile Steven pigged out and felt so bloated and miserable.  I, on the other hand, felt satisfied.

Let's all say it together - overeating is bad.   Eating till you feel bloated and yucky?  Who needs that?

Not ME!  :)


Tip of the DayPAY ATTENTION.  I've been stressing the importance of focused eating, and this means taking food away from activities that keep you from paying attention to what you pop into your mouth.  This means no snacking in front of the TV.  No snacking in front of the computer.  This helps in two ways - when you eat you need to pay attention to your food not only to prevent overeating, but it also helps you from creating "habitual hunger".  Sometimes you think you're hungry when you're just used to eating at a certain time, with a certain show or playing certain games.   Honor your mealtime.  You're doing something very important for your body.  Give it the attention it deserves.



Calories: 2149
Fat: 25%
Sat Fat: 6%
Fiber: 34g
Calcium: 1435mg
Water: 60oz
Exercise: Walked 1 1/2 hours

DAILY AFFIRMATION: It's not enough to wish.  One must live by intention.  (Thank you, Hal Sparks.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Atta Girl!!!  Happy Halloween!!!