Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Month #7 Photo Update

I managed to drag to the mall for a weigh in because my home scale read 283, which is the lowest it has ever read.  GNC's official weigh in <drumroll please> 279lbs.  That's right.  Yours truly managed to drop 5lbs this week.  I'd like to blame it on the flu but I've been eating the same as I have always eaten - so this means that you all were right and I was wrong.  It was the sugar that was holding me back.  I'm still sick though so please don't pelt me with "I told you sos" just yet. 

The mind is a tricky thing.  I was standing in the shower this morning thinking of the weight loss and strangely I thought, "And this is still eating whatever I want to."  Isn't that odd?  I'm not still eating the way that I want to, I've made a lot of provisions to cheat the way I used to eat by eating substitutes so it isn't as painful - but I sure don't eat like I used to.  I still have to watch the diet like a hawk, but basically I eat pretty much what I want to when I want to.  There's no blueprint anywhere that says I have to eat xyz at this certain time of the day (those diets exist and I contemplated going on them - like the hypoglycemic diet).  I just maintain my diet by eating regularly, making sure I get a protein on almost every "meal" and keeping my calories and fat under the same guidelines they always were.  And it keeps me so satisfied I don't even miss those other things, especially when I find such comparable substitutes like wheat pasta for regular, and sugary sweet substitutes for my old comfort foods. 

As I wean off the sugar I'm going to step up the vegetables, I know that's still one area of my diet I'm still lacking.  But other than that I'm pleased with the new way I've learned of eating. 

I went on Primatene Mist last night for the wheeziness and breathlessness, thankfully that's helped a whole lot.  Still coughing but they seem to be loosening up now, so that's a very good thing. 

I may even be able to get back on the exercise horse here shortly.  With the way my inches have slowed down to a screeching halt, I know I'm going to have to do something soon.  Right now tho, I'm still babying myself. 

That weigh in today was enough to hold me over for a while. 

If I can maintain this, I won't miss sugar at all.



Anonymous said...

Hi :0)

I just wanted to say Congrats on the weight loss!  You're doing SUPERB, and looking fantastic!  I'm very proud of you keep up the great work.  And, I'm sure you know Failure is never an Option.  If you're having a bad day, dust yourself off and try again!  We're all in this together.  Take care.  :-)


Anonymous said...

Yippee for you!  I'm so happy that you lost more weight but, so sad to hear that you are still ill.  I hope you take good care of yourself.  Don't worry about the workout.  You have your hands full with getting well.  Plus, you have to be super-dieter being able to change your eating habits while you are ill.  I wish I was as brave as you.

I know exactly how nice it feels to be able to cut out some of the bad stuff while eating what you want and still losing weight.  You've come so far.  You certainly inspire me!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful.  Just Wonderful!  Ecstatically happy for you Ginger!

[Me:  you all were right.  He broke up with me again yesterday.  This does look like "curtains".  My fault for getting involved with someone like that I guess--he had emotional problems--I violated my own rules.  A friend of mine who met him said something I have never heard someone admit:  she said "he is competitive" you have got to be slim to get him.  She is a former weight lifter and needs to lose 50 lbs.  Ironic the day he breaks up was the day I decided to finish my weight loss journey.  Taking pictures and everything.  I am just numb.  I cannot contemplate the loss of him.]  

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Gin!  You broke the 280 barrier!  What a wonderful compliment to your hard work.  I hope with the sugar changes, you will find more weight loss on a weekly basis.  You are sustaining constant weight loss so well already that this may have been just what you needed!

Anonymous said...

Is that the same purple shirt from the photos made in December?  If it is, it's looking like a dress!  We may need to find you a belt to go with it daaahlin.  Great work!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there!  Just wanted to let you know that I am sooo proud of you and your successes.  You are looking good!  Keep up the good work and God Bless.  ~T

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Congratulations!  You are inspiring, I have reached my all time low and am on a similar journey.  I wish you the best and if you ever need support I would be more than happy to cheer you on!        SJSillySully