Friday, April 8, 2005

Nothing to fear but fear itself

I noticed something yesterday on Wednesday.  I did fine after I got into the water on Tuesday and really felt like it was something I could eventually conquer.  But on Wednesday I started to freak out - thinking that the next steps I would inevitably have to take would be hard and terrifying.  I nearly talked myself right out of going to another lesson.

Then my sister gets a cold.  She's taking the classes with me.  Not because she can't swim, but because she wants to be moral support for me.

So I think, well I'm going to have Steven go.  That'll work.

He had to work late.

Fortunately reason won over paranoia and I went - and this girl, terrified silly of water, dunked completely under (holding my nose, let's not get crazy) at least ten times and conquered floating enough to use the kickboard.

With the help of my instructor (who has the patience of a saint) and my son Jeremiah (and eventually Steven) I used the kickboard to kick my fins from one side of the training pool to the other no less than ten complete times (one there and back). 

I didn't make it to the gym today, but I am not worried at all that I missed anything.  I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooore.  I was in the water 2 whole hours.

So the trick is, don't think about it.

That applied only to the swimming - for the writing I had to totally think about it.  Using the storyboard technique I banged out my rewrite and it's off to the producer as promised.

It's been quite a week of accomplishments.

If I pat myself on the back much longer I may throw my arm out of socket.

But you know what?

I'm worth it.

And so are you. 

Embrace your full potential today.  Because YOU. ARE. AWESOME.



Anonymous said...

Way to go!  I think you got quite a workout in the pool, don't you?  I love hearing your stories about conquering your fear...I need to do this, too, I really do!  JaE

Anonymous said...

Yeh!!!               Ginger, I'm so proud or you!!!  Happy to be your MOM  2!!!XXXOOO