Tuesday, November 11, 2003



I'm a little nervous about starting a journal simply because I'm normally not the kind of person who opens up readily.  I created a website regarding a very personal and private issue, but I hadn't yet sent it out to the world.  That's kinda what this journal is for.  Another way to account for myself so that I won't jump off the wagon again.

My main goal is weight loss.  Not a little weight loss.  We're talking another healthy human being weight loss. When I go out in the world, the weight is unavoidable - not just to the people who wish I'd disappear but for me too, wishing at least half of me would disappear.  So I turned to the internet and hid behind the anonymity of cyberspace, finding out I'm really a nice person, an enjoyable character who can entertain and be liked regardless what the outside looks like.

So my main goal is to bring that person outside and get rid of the shy fat girl who keeps her hidden.  My more extensive journal entries that delve a bit deeper will be on the website: A Brand New Me.  Here I'll try to be much more abbreviated.

Another goal I wish to accomplish is to sell my writing.  I've accomplished a lot of writing over the years but never really pursued getting published.  But rather than dream about it I'm going to put it all out there for good or ill and see what happens.

Toward both ends I've started this journal so that I can be accountable.  If you run across this journal and I haven't made an entry telling you what I'm doing, feel free to email me a nice reprimand. 

Also, I'm using the South Beach Diet as my weight management system, and in eleven days I've lost ten pounds.  I'm excited - but nervous.  Ten, twenty or even thirty pounds doesn't seem like much in the face of the weight I want to lose, but, like I will go into detail about in the next few days, I've learned that all we really have is this moment and I have to live that as honestly, bravely and heathily as possible.

So, if you're interested in my journey and wish to return I'll be glad to share it all with you.  If you also have weight loss goals you wish to share and sort of have a buddy system in place, I'm your girl.  Hopefully my entries will motivate someone (most of all me).

So, let me know what you think as we go along. 

I'm ready.  Are you?


Anonymous said...

Good luck, it is a long and slow road with plenty of ruts along the way.
Everyday is a new beginning and a new start to staying on the "wagon".

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your journey to weight loss! I know how hard it is...DONT GIVE UP!