Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Total Body Revolt

I cannot share what my body is doing to me after two weeks of starvation, suffice it to say you wouldn't want to hear it anyway. 

It was a harsh day but at least I wasn't hungry.  I ate 1900 calories, which is about right.  That agrees with the Tanida that I should eat 2200 calories and it says that I should only aspire to 1lb of weight loss per week (or cutting the calories back by 500 calories a day).

I can do that.

Meanwhile I'll deal with my headache and my poor blood sugar and get some rest.

It's about darned time.

Thanks to everyone for your support!  I hate having to post weaknesses, but you all accept me and let me know it's okay to be human.

I honest to God couldn't do it without you.

Stay tuned, we're about to embark on a Major Fitness Revival.

It's gonna be fun!  I look forward to the endorphins :)


Anonymous said...

Everyone has ups and downs that's always bounce right back and I admire you for that.

Anonymous said...

Heres to hopin the endorphins kick in soon :)  Sleep well, Jeff

Anonymous said...

I will have to check out that website to see what I should be eating!  Thanks for sharing that!
